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Personal Details

Course History

Furnish the details of course last studied at UoK

[Not applicable to employees of the University not studied in UoK]

LIFE Membership Fee Details

Rs.1000 (for residence of India and Abroad)

  I would be pleased to become a member of the University of Kerala Alumni Association and I shall abide by the rules and bye-laws of the Association from time to time.

Fields marked with * are mandatory


Rs. 1000/- For residence of India and Abroad

The membership fee can be paid through NEFT/RTGS for which the account details are given below:

Account Name University of Kerala Alumni Association
Bank A/c No39746417064
Bank & BranchSBI Kariavattom
Branch code70043

Instructions for Registration

1. Keep the softcopy of the recent photograph (.jpg format, below 100 Kb, 150px width X 200px height) for uploading during registration. [optional]

2. Make the payment of membership fee as prescribed. The details of payment should be entered during registration

3. No need to send hard copy of the application form to University

4. Once you have completed registration process, you can see your login details. Note it for future use.

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15 February 2025 07:39 PM